Official name – Kingdom of Eswatini (Formerly Swaziland)
Area – 17,363 km² (6,704 square miles)
Capital - Mbabane (administrative); Lobamba (legislative and royal)
National Currency – The Swazi Lilangeni (SZL), commonly referred to as Lilangeni (singular) or Emalangeni (plural) was issued as the national currency in 1974 on a par with the South African Rand, under the Common Monetary Agreement.
GDP per Capita (2018/2019) – SZL 36, 077.15 (Central Bank of Eswatini, 2019)
Average Inflation (Central Bank of Ewatini , 2019) – 4.81
Population – 1, 367m (2018) (World Bank, 2019)
Official Languages – siSwati, English
Religion – Majority Christian, plus Indigenous beliefs and small representations of other major world faiths
Literacy rate – 83% (2010) (UNESCO, 2019)
Religion – Majority Christian, plus Indigenous beliefs and small representations of other major world faiths