The EITF 2019 comes at a strategic milestone since the country attained independence in 1968. The kingdom hosted its first trade fair on the 31st August to 7th September 1968 in Bremersdorp, now known as Manzini, at the show grounds. It was then referred to as the Swaziland Independence Exhibition and debuted as the best and largest agricultural and cultural show. The show was organized as part of the independence celebration, organized by the Manzini Town Board.Right from commencement, the Trade Fair paraded international flare as it saw several nations indicating interest to exhibit. Countries participating in this historic show included: Netherlands, USA, West Germany, Republic of China in Taiwan, Portugal, South Africa and Mozambique. Ever since then, the Trade Fair has been at the heart of trade promotion and development which was made a significant annual event in the calendar of the Kingdom of Eswatini.
The EITF since inception has continued to attract companies from Eswatini’s trading partners in Southeast Asia; the Republic of China, Taiwan and Vietnam. A majority of exhibitors drawn from SADC member states including South Africa, Zambia, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique and Tanzania also attended. In the past years we have seen an interest from other continents including Australia and Europe (Portugal companies).